Two rivaling schools: similar or different?

Jasmine Luna, Staff Writer

All schools are different, with different teachers, students, and schoolwork. Argo Community High School and Bremen High School are a mere thirty minutes away with teams that rival. How could they be similar?

Elias Loera, a former Argo and Bremen student talks about similarities and differences.

“A lot of the classes were typically the same kind of courses, which made it easy to transition,” though a big difference, he notes “Teachers at Argo didn’t really seem to care, while I felt that at Bremen the teachers paid more attention to every student individually.”

Emily Butkus, a student at Argo talks about her experience so far. “I like how classes really don’t give out homework to do at home, you do it in class.”

As does an Anonymous sophomore at Bremen. “I like how at school there’s so much room to get extra credit and do well, plus the teachers are super helpful.”

Do people who have only gone to one high school so far, think that other high schools are different? Is there that much of a difference between two high schools around the same area?

The anonymous student at Bremen believes that Argo is different due to size. “I presume that at Argo there are a lot of students, and it’s probably less welcoming.”

Emily views Bremen as different for a different reason. “I feel like they might give out harder classes to younger students, such as a lot of schools.”

When talking about lunch, the opposing school’s students have opposite opinions.

Emily says, “The lunch also needs some more variety.” Whilst the anonymous student at Bremen says, “there’s a lot of variety.”

Despite the differences in lunch, there are still similarities. Similarities such as the teachers.

“The teachers are super helpful and all the ones I’ve had make things so much easier to understand,” says an Anonymous source from Bremen. “Sometimes the teachers can be very lenient,” says Emily.

Though Argo and Bremen may not be exactly alike, they’re not exactly different. Every school is different, but never exactly different.

Former student, Elias weighs in again. “In the end don’t think they were all that different. Sure, I prefer Bremen for other reasons, but in the end, it was school. We were all there to finish high school.”