Are E-Hall Passes Beneficial to Students?

January 31, 2023
E-hall passes are supposed to be helpful to Argo students and staff but has anyone asked what the students think about the new online passes? Since no one else was going to ask, I decided to ask the student body myself and from what I have heard not a single student finds the E-hall passes to be an improvement. Students find the new policy to be invasive and time-consuming.
“I feel as tough when they place a timer on how long we have in the bathroom. It can be a little pressuring,” says a freshman at Argo.
This person touched on the point that pressure to do something as little as using the bathroom every day can cause anxiety among students when they already have daily factors giving them anxiety.
“5 min is not enough time to use the bathroom,” says another freshman at Argo.
This is true, especially for people that have a menstrual cycle that need more time to take care of it then someone would need to just go pee. This alone makes the time limit unfair to students. Also, some people are right next to a bathroom and others must walk and wait in line if there’s a lunch period going on.
“The E-Hall passes are a major waste of time during welding and doing labs in biology, where your computer is away,” says a current welding student, Alexis Carrel.
I believe this to be important because the E-hall passes are supposed to increase time spent working but are having the opposite effect.
“I don’t like them because they are overly complicated for something as simple as going to the bathroom,” says a sophomore at Argo.
This again shows the passes making things as simple as using the bathroom complicated and time consuming. A student could be working during the time it takes to turn on a chrome book, log in, go to E-Hall pass, pick a teacher, pick a destination, and then wait 5 min for a teacher to submit the pass instead of writing the pass out and having a teacher sign it.
‘’Teachers must stop their lectures to accept passes all the time, plus stopping it when students return,” says a junior at Argo.
This goes against the idea that E-Hall passes are also supposed to help make teachers’ lives easier because how does this help them? Also, how are students supposed to get the best education they can when the lesson is constantly stopping?
“There are too many ‘what if’ situations,” says a freshman at Argo.
For example, if a student is having technical difficulties with a Chromebook or, if a student is having a nosebleed, how are they supposed to fill out a pass? Then if they get stopped in the hall by security, the student could get in trouble. How is that fair to anyone? Passes are faster than E-Hall passes and do not have technical difficulties.
So why is the E-hall pass system built in a way that makes everyone’s life harder?
BRENDEN BRANKIN • Feb 2, 2023 at 8:59 pm
Due to the overwhelming and unanimous feedback concerning the “E-Hall passes, I feel that they should immediately be removed from Argo and another system put in its place , perhaps a modified pass system(strictly analog) would be best until something better can take its place?