How the boys swim and dive season started

December 19, 2022
Tuesday, December 6th Argos boy’s swim team had their first meet. Starting the season off with a win the boys beat TF South, Argo did have an advantage though, the other team only had one swimmer.
With the lack of people on the other team, it was an easy win for Argo.
The beginning of the meet started with the national anthem then Jeremiah Boswell continued with his 6 dives. Boswell: the only diver on the Argo team got a total of 126.5 points. What a great start for this diving season.
After diving, the timers came down the officials got in position and the swimmers started swimming. Since this was the first meet of the season the players didn’t have any prior times, so it was a good practice meet since there was only one person on the other team.
Although the team knew they were going to win the team wasn’t the most energetic. Compared to the girls’ swim team the boy’s energy was dead. Sitting on the sidelines and sometimes cheering, unlike the girls that would be at the end of the lanes screaming at their teammates to go faster. Towards the end, the team came together to chant “Argo Relay” while the last of the 400 freestyle relays were being swum.
Amazing job Argo Boys swim and dive team and good luck with the rest of the season.