Varsity girls look forward to final cross country race

Gamilah Saleh, Staff Writer

Argo’s girls varsity cross country has conference on Saturday, October 15th at 9AM at Bedford Park. Coach Mr. Thompson is prepared and is confident that his team will win.

“We feel very prepared, and the girls have done a lot of work in this season and grown a lot of competitive invites on Saturday seasons and they’re ready to race,” said coach Thompson.

The team has done lots of work and has practiced a ton to prepare for the conference against their biggest competitor, Reavis.

“I keep consistent with practice. You show up and always give 100% even on the off days,” says Leslie Garcia. “Besides running, preparing yourself mentally is important. I would say this is one of the most mental sports and everyone has their own way of preparing for it.”

With all their hard work and practice, the girls feel very prepared and are ready to run.

Garcia says, “I feel very prepared in many ways physically for sure, but mentally I’m still working on it. I would say on a scale of 10, I feel a 9.”

With this being the varsity girls last conference of the year, and the seniors last game of high school, there’s a lot of emotions.

“I feel a lot of things. I am excited, nervous, happy, a little sad cause it’s my senior year. Many emotions come in to play a lot come out more when you’re on the line and about to run,” says Garcia.

With their final game around the corner, Argos girls’ varsity cross country team is ready for their final race.

“We can build up that momentum and increase the number of girls who want to participate in cross country,” says coach Thompson.