Brett Kavanaugh Confirmed Amid Scandal and Allegations
Fred Schilling/Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States via AP
Brett Kavanaugh being sworn sworn in as the newest Supreme Court judge.
October 9, 2018
Brett Kavanaugh, who was previously a jurist and attorney serving as a U.S. circuit judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and the former White House staff secretary, was nominated by President Trump to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy. The nomination was met with much fury by the democratic party, but on Saturday, October 6th, the Senate confirmed Judge Brett Kavanaugh into the Supreme Court by a vote of 50 to 48. It is clear after this nomination and decision, how polar in thought the country and he Senate are.
When allegations of the nominee assaulting multiple women in his high school and college years began popping up, democrats took the chance to stretch their time until November’s midterms where they would seek to take control of the House and the Senate. With control, the Democratic Party would be able to stop much of the republican agenda in its trails, including the institution of Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court justice.
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a former high-school companion of the candidate, made this a potential for the party. She came forward, shortly before the set date for the final vote on the fate of Kavanaugh, with attempted rape allegations that tore a scandal for the supreme court nominee. The Republican Party wiped this possibility off the board after announcing on Tuesday, September 25th, that the Senate would be voting on Friday, September 28th, only a day after Dr. Ford was set to testify in an open hearing. Many thought it would not be enough time to take into consideration the testimony of both parties involved.
Kavanaugh had been hard-set on denying the claims but more victims began coming forward. More victims such as Deborah Ramirez, a former Yale classmate, came forward with her story. Deborah claimed that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her in a “drunken-room party” while attending Yale University. A third victim, Julie Swetnick, claimed that she had witnessed many parties held when they attended Gaithersburg High School where Kavanaugh acted inappropriately towards the girls present by pulling on their clothing and attempting to “grind” on them. Though he denied all the allegations, Brett Kavanaugh admitted to drinking while underage, still illegal for his age.
The hearing was emotional and dramatic for both Dr. Christine Ford and Judge Kavanaugh. On over eight hours of coverage, everyone was left where they had begun: a “he said, she said” situation. The next day, when the Senate Judicial Committee went to vote, a senator who hadn’t been a clear vote for either side, Jeff Flake, announced he’d be voting to forward Kavanaugh to a full-senate vote. The Republican senator ended up calling for a more in-depth investigation by the FBI after being confronted by two women in the elevator as they exclaimed to him: “[He’s] telling all women that they don’t matter” (regarding women with sexual assault stories).
The investigation was concluded a day before the deadline given to the FBI. The single-copy report given to the senate did not include an interview with either Dr. Ford or Kavanaugh. The White House commented on twitter that it would still stand with Kavanaugh and even though the White House assured that the report was not incriminating for the nominee, there was still a fear of leaks by the senators reviewing it. This led to the people doubting what the report really showed, or rather what it didn’t show.
Despite the allegations Kavanaugh was confirmed as the newest Supreme Court Justice.